24 Search Results for: Ontario Court of Appeal


  • The Court of Appeal for Ontario: Defining the Right of Appeal, 1792-2013

    by Christopher Moore, published with the University of Toronto Press. 2014. 40, student price $20. Before 1850 the Court of Appeal for Ontario was the Governor’s Executive Council. In 1850 the Court of Error and Appeal for Canada West met for the first time, the first appeal court for what is now Ontario that was… Read more »

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  • John J. Robinette, Peerless Mentor: An Appreciation

    by George D. Finlayson, formerly of the Court of Appeal for Ontario. Published with Dundurn Press, 2003. John Robinette is generally acknowledged to have been the foremost counsel of his era and was, perhaps, Canada’s greatest advocate of all time. Comfortable before any court or tribunal at any level and regardless of issue, he combined… Read more »

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  • Brian Dickson: A Judge’s Journey

    by Robert Sharpe, Justice of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and Professor Kent Roach, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. Published with the University of Toronto Press, 2003. After coming of age during the Depression on the Prairies, being severely wounded in World War II, and after a career as a successful and prosperous… Read more »

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  • Judging Bertha Wilson: Law As Large As Life

    by Ellen Anderson, Lawyer, Barrie, Ontario. Published with the University of Toronto Press, 2001. Bertha Wilson is the first woman to be appointed to the Ontario Court of Appeal. She is the first woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada at that critical moment when the Charter was entrenched. Nevertheless, Bertha Wilson has… Read more »

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  • The Lazier Murder: Prince Edward County, 1884

    by Robert J. Sharpe, Justice of the Court of Appeal for Ontario. Published with the University of Toronto Press, 2011. Robert Sharpe is one of the Osgoode Society’s most prolific authors, and his latest offering is a compelling account of a late nineteenth century murder case in Picton, Ontario.  This very thoroughly researched and engagingly… Read more »

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  • Middleton: The Beloved Judge

    by John D. Arnup. Published with McClelland & Stewart, 1988. William Edward Middleton served as Justice of the Supreme Court of Ontario for thirty-three years. His written judgments, many still cited today, are models of insight and wisdom. In addition to his contribution to jurisprudence, Middleton, at a time when a number of Supreme Court Justices… Read more »

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  • March 10, 2016 - Moore’s History of the Ontario Court of Appeal honoured by Ontario’s Speakers Book Awards

    Christopher Moore was recently honoured by being one of the finalists for Ontario Speaker Dave Levac’s Speakers Book Award. He received his medal at a ceremony held on March 7th. We congratulate Chris on this notable achievement.

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  • Searching for Justice: An Autobiography

    by Fred Kaufman, Quebec Court of Appeal, retired. Published with the University of Toronto Press, 2005. As one reviewer wrote, this is a ‘a tale well told of a remarkable life well lived.’ Born into a middle-class Jewish family in Vienna in the mid-twenties, Kaufman managed to leave his native city on one of the last… Read more »

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  • Just Lawyers: Seven Portraits

    by David Ricardo Williams. Published with the University of Toronto Press, 1995. In 1924 Mackenzie King, on bended knee, pleaded with lawyer, Eugene Lafleur to accept the chief justiceship of Canada, but Lafleur refused. Another lawyer, Gordon Henderson was offered an appointment to the Ontario Court of Appeal but rejected it. Lafleur, Henderson, Frank Covert, Aimé… Read more »

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  • A Passion for Justice: The Legacy of James Chalmers McRuer

    by Patrick Boyer. Published with the University of Toronto Press, 1994. Patrick Boyer’s portrait of James Chalmers McRuer (1890-1985) reveals the complexities of one of Canada’s outstanding jurists, and shows the character and personal dilemmas of the man who was arguably Canada’s greatest law reformer. McRuer’s career of more than fifty years included periods as a… Read more »