• Osgoode Society 2021 Members book awarded Best Book in Canadian Studies and Indigenous History

    The Osgoode Society members book for 2021, Daniel Rück, The Laws and the Land: The Settler Colonial Invasion of Kahnawà:ke in Nineteenth-Century Canada has recently been awarded two major prizes. It has been chosen as the co-winner of the Best Book in Indigenous History by the Canadian Historical Association. It has also been chosen as… Read more »

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  • Osgoode Society Awards for 2022

    June, 2022 – OSGOODE SOCIETY AWARDS. The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History is very pleased announce the winners of its awards for 2022. Peter Oliver Prize. Named for the Society’s first and long-serving Editor-in-Chief, the Peter Oliver Prize is given for published work in Canadian legal history by a student. The 2022 winner is… Read more »

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  • Osgoode Society Author, Professor Philip Girard, awarded Mundell Medal

    The Ontario government has awarded the 2021 David Walter Mundell Medal for excellence in legal writing to Philip Girard. Please join us in congratulating Professor Girard on this important achievement. https://news.ontario.ca/en/bulletin/1001881/excellence-in-legal-writing-celebrated-with-mundell-medal

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  • The Law Foundation of Ontario Announces Recipients of Catalyst Grant Funding

    The Law Foundation of Ontario has selected 25 nonprofit organizations to participate in the second cycle of Catalyst, its highly competitive core funding program. Please see the official announcement here – https://lawfoundation.on.ca/news/19-7m-in-core-funding-to-support-leading-access-to-justice-organizations/. The Osgoode Society is very grateful for the continued support from The Law Foundation of Ontario.

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  • Osgoode Society 2019 Book Awarded Prize

    Eric Reiter’s 2019 Osgoode Society book, titled Wounded Feelings: Litigating Emotions in Quebec,  has been named as a co-winner of the monograph prize from the Fondation du Barreau du Québec. The official notice can be found here: https://www.fondationdubarreau.qc.ca/decouvrez-les-laureats-du-concours-juridique-2021-et-les-regles-de-ledition-2022/. This book was previously awarded the Canadian Historical Association’s prize for best book in Canadian history. Please join us in congratulating… Read more »

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  • 2020-21 OHS Joseph Brant Award Winner: Heidi Bohaker, Doodem and Council Fire

    Please join us in congratulating Heidi Bohaker on winning the 2020-21 Joseph Brant Award for her book, Doodem and Council Fire: Anishinaabe Governance Through Alliance, published by University of Toronto Press (2020). Doodem and Council Fire deals with the world of the Anishinaabe people and the importance of doodem to Anishinaabe identity. Published for the Osgoode Society for… Read more »

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  • Osgoode Society Authors have been Elected Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada

    The Osgoode Society is delighted to announce that our Associate Editor-in-Chief and five-time Osgoode Society author, Professor Philip Girard, and Professor Lori Chambers, another of our authors (three times) have both been elected Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada. Philip Girard’s prize-winning work on the history of law in Canada has shaped the field… Read more »

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  • Osgoode Society Director The Hon. Mahmud Jamal appointed to The Supreme Court of Canada

    Osgoode Society Director Mahmud Jamal appointed to Supreme Court of Canada. Along with the rest of the legal community, the Society congratulates one of our Directors, the Hon. Mahmud Jamal, on his appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada. We anticipate judgments that refer often to the importance of legal history!

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  • Osgoode Society Book Awarded Best Book in Political History

    The Osgoode Society is thrilled to announce that Doodem and Council Fire: Anishinaabe Governance through Alliance, by Professor Heidi Bohaker, has been awarded the Canadian Historical Association’s Prize for Best Book in Political History Prize. Congratulations to Professor Bohaker.

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  • Philip Girard interviewed on Podcast

    In this podcast, Greg Marchildon interviews Osgoode Society Associate Editor Philip Girard regarding A History of Law in Canada, Volume 1: Beginnings to 1866, published by the University of Toronto Press in 2018, of which he is the co-author along with Jim Phillips and Blake Brown. Girard explains the ways in which Canadian legal culture… Read more »

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