Oral History Program

The Osgoode Society’s Oral History Program is the world’s largest oral history program dedicated to legal history.

Since 1979, the Society has conducted more than 730 interviews and deposited over 100,000 pages of transcripts in the Archives of Ontario. Interview subjects include lawyers, judges, politicians, and members of the police services. Interview documentation consists of transcripts.

Oral Histories are either held by the Archives of Ontario or by the Osgoode Society.  Those held exclusively by the Osgoode Society may not be available yet for circulation. Please email us for more information.

Oral Histories

Search For: ‘Police Service’ — 13 oral histories found
Name Year Pages Location
Staff Sergeant Balmain Jones 1989 42 C 81-1-0-82
Police Constable Robert Takeda 1991 55 C 81-1-0-120
Audrey Chen 1990 88 C 81-1-0-111
Sergeant Benjamin Eng 1991 110 C 81-1-0-123
Inspector Marlene Watson 1991 83 C 81-2-0-34
Sergeant Lionel Gough 1989 68 C 81-1-0-83
Sergeant Mark Mendelson 1990 95 C 81-1-0-104
Police Constable Edmund Pink 1989 28 C 81-1-0-84
Mr. Elmer Bell 1989 65 C 81-1-0-80
Staff Superintendent Jean Boyd 1992 81 C 81-2-0-37
Sergeant Johnny Tanouye 1991 53 C 81-1-0-122
Staff Inspector Patricia Post 1991 88 C 81-2-0-31
Sergeant Robert James Crawford 1990 39 Osgoode Society